Jan 29, 2008


At first I was in denial that I have hemmorhoids when I felt a skin tag on my anal area. I just ignored it making myself believe that it's not hemmorrhoids. But then I had a constipation last time and when I looked into the toilet bowl, it was bloody red. So I made some research about hemmorhoids. I'm so pasaway I didn't go for a check-up. I hope my reason is valid. I'm very busy with my documents right now and by next week I will go to our province to fix them. Hopefully, when I get back I'll be able to consult a surgeon about my condition.

According to what I've researched, hemmorhoids is not a seriously case but it doesn't mean that we will ignore this. The common cause is due to straining when defecating. So we really have to avoid constipation and of course modify our lifestyle. We have to eat foods that are rich in fiber and plenty of water. I used to drink less water before but now, I'm practising myself to increase my water intake.

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